modern home refurbishment


Living room contemporary Interior Design with bespoke sofa, arm chairs, table units and blinds in deep colours.

28 | 09 | 17

Shades of Grey..

I don’t know about you but I have noticed that rather a lot of my friends’ homes are starting to look suspiciously similar – sporting a variety of shades of grey. There is also an overt tendency towards accents of copper. Don’t get me wrong, it looks beautiful and the combination does exactly what was intended for the spaces adorned – creating a look that is calming, sophisticated and oh so current.

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14 | 09 | 17

Working with the Professionals

Shelve the romantic notions about managing a property refurbishment project and consider a few realities. Some people are born to manage a property refurbishment and others, well, just aren’t. If the very thought of it makes your blood run cold – consider that it’s a skill that runs through the blood of director Simon Edkins at Cream & Browne.

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